Towards a Deeper Connection: Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Stage II

I have recently been working with two couples in the later stages of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) and feel very moved by the deep work these partners are doing with each other in an effort to achieve a deep, secure and lasting bond.

In stage I of EFCT, partners gain an understanding of the negative interaction cycle they have co-created and learn to stop it.  A "cease fire" is achieved and partners begin to gain a sense of control over what happens between them and to re-experience what they so much enjoy about their relationship.

In Stage II of EFCT, partners feel safe enough to begin communicating with each other in a new and more vulnerable way that speaks to their deepest fears and needs when it comes to their primary relationship.  They discover that when they speak from a place of openness and vulnterability their partner can repsond to them in incredibly touching and reassuring ways that takes their relationship to depths of closeness never previously experienced.

The courage required to work through Stage II is enormous, and the payoff is enormous too.   This is some of the hardest work I have ever done, and also some of the most rewarding work.  I feel honored by what couples working at this deep level are willing to allow me to witness and guide.

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